3 Reasons Why Ryann Liebl's Comedy 'Mags and Julie Go on a Road Trip' Is a Thanksgiving Must-Watch

Ryann Liebl, a multi-hyphenate filmmaker from Wisconsin, is all set to tickle the funny bone with her brand new movie "Mags and Julie Go on a Road Trip," which is releasing this Thanksgiving. Here's why you should watch it.

Amid the pandemic and all the turmoil that has been going on in the world, everything seems to have changed. This "new normal" has changed the way we go about life, and festivities are no exception.

Sure, the way we celebrate special occasions is not the same this year, but it does not mean that the fun factor has to be toned down. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, people are getting creative to replicate the semblance of the tradition.

A Thanksgiving dinner. | Source: Pexels/August de Richelieu


Movies are a big part of holidays to many and some light-hearted comedy just might be the chicken soup our souls are seeking. To be honest, we all deserve an extra serving of laughter and joy.

With her new comedy on the way, actress and filmmaker Ryann Liebl hopes to be the bringer of joy this festive season because, just like everybody else, she believes that we all need to have a good laugh and pat ourselves on the back for making it this far.

Actress and filmmaker Ryann Liebl. | Courtesy of REL Films

"It's something that can you can sit around on your sofa during Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving and just enjoy it and escape and sort of go into the wilds of Wisconsin and just laugh a little bit," she said of "Mags and Julie Go on a Road Trip."

Since the movie is shot in Wisconsin, Liebl wanted to cast the local actors and she was lucky enough to find some amazing talents.

The laugh-out-loud comedy follows the story of two best friends who decide to go on a much-needed road trip, which does not go as planned. According to Liebl, one of the reasons why one should watch the movie is because it is "fun to laugh" and we need to have more comedy in our lives right now.

A scene from "Mags and Julie Go on a Road Trip." | Courtesy of REL Films


"It's good to watch two women on a road trip buddy movie get dirty and go through ridiculous situations," she said when asked why the movie is a must-watch. Talking about what makes the film truly wholesome, she said:

"It's an uplifting funny movie. It's not just you know a comedy where it's ridiculous and gross. There's no mean humor in it. It's a very genuine film and there are a lot of very heartfelt moments."

Also, the family-friendly movie that has only two swear words on it! It is fit for any kind of audience, and women who have girl best friends and horrible bosses can especially relate to it.

Talking about the filmmaking experience, Liebl said it was equal parts amazing and challenging. As an independent female filmmaker, she wanted to create something funny from a woman's perspective, which is rare.


Since the movie is shot in Wisconsin, Liebl wanted to cast the local actors and she was lucky enough to find some amazing talents. Elizabeth Donaldson, who plays Mags' best friend Julie in the film, is the only actor who is not from there.

Another interesting fact about "Mags and Julie Go on a Road Trip" is that it was shot within 18 days! That's right. The cast and crew worked pretty hard to bring the story to life within a short time frame.

"The whole experience was great because it was like coming home to my roots and then working with people who are a lot like me," Liebl said, the love for her birthplace and its people evident on her face.


It is fun, it is challenging, and it definitely beats one down, but Liebl would still describe filmmaking as an interesting ride. Her word of advice to any aspiring artist is to never, ever stop creating.

"If anything, we need more artists creating, we need more art going out into the world," she said. And the best part about it all is that Liebl did not make the film to win awards or anything — she just wants to put a smile on people's faces when they see it.

Set to release on November 24, "Mags and Julie Go on a Road Trip" is available for pre-order on iTunes.
