Mom Kicks Teen Daughter Out of House Saying She Hates Her, Begs Her for Shelter Years Later

A woman kicked out her teenage daughter and told her she hated her, unaware that she would return to her girl years later. The woman showed up at her daughter's doorstep asking to live with her, but the daughter had a revenge plan in mind.

After getting kicked out by her mother at 16, a young girl lived at her father's place and later married and moved in with her husband. She wrote a Reddit post describing how her mother mistreated her when they were still living together.

The woman recalled that her mother told her she hated her before she asked her to leave the house. Back then, the teenager couldn't do much except follow her mother's instructions. Meanwhile, her mother never treated her older brother that way. In fact, she behaved nicely with him.

A woman scolding a young girl | Source: Shutterstock

In 2012, the Redditor's mother bought a 7-bedroom house with her new husband after quitting her job to join a startup. The woman had no idea that leaving her current position was a big mistake because the startup shut down three years after she became a part of it.

Her situation was in a downward spiral as her husband developed medical complications due to obesity. Despite the doctors telling him to control his diet, he ate what he liked and soon became bed-bound.

The Redditor recalled that her mother's husband died in early 2022, leaving his wife in a bad financial situation. Things went downhill to the point that the bank seized her house.

A young girl sitting by the side of a road | Source: Shutterstock

Broke and homeless, the woman turned to her daughter, whom she had mistreated and ignored all her life. Despite not sharing a good bond with her, the woman thought her daughter would support her during her difficult time.

What Did the Daughter Do When Her Mother Came to Her House?

The Redditor lived with her husband in a two-bedroom house, where one of the bedrooms was her husband's office. She had turned her basement into an art studio, and her living room couch was where her cats slept.

It was a regular day for the woman when her mother suddenly showed up at her doorstep, asking her for shelter. The Redditor was shocked at her mother's audacity to ask her for a favor after mistreating her all her life. She said:

"I don't know why, in god's good name, my mom thought I would be the one to come to."

A woman standing outside a door | Source: Shutterstock

The Redditor thought her brother's house was better for her mother because he had a spare bedroom. However, when she saw her mother at her doorstep, she knew it was a golden opportunity she couldn't resist.

"I told her she could live with us if, and only if, she decided to follow the house rules," the woman wrote in her Reddit post before listing her house rules.

Among the house rules she enumerated to her mother, she restricted her from using electronics after 6 p.m. and said she should sleep by 7:30 p.m. If the woman refused to power off her electronic devices at the given time, the Redditor threatened to confiscate them and sell them in the next yard sale. She also threatened to take her clothes for the week if she didn't sleep on time.

Besides that, the Redditor restricted her mother's shower time to five minutes and asked her to do all the house chores. "If I roll out of bed and they are not, she will not be getting meals for the day," the Redditor said.

The woman also instructed her mother always to be alert and do whatever she and her husband said. She gave her the duty to cook one meal daily and threatened not to let her eat if the food wasn't cooked to her taste.

A woman walking with a trolley bag | Source: Shutterstock

Moreover, the Redditor said she would control who her mother talked to by reading all her messages, mails, and emails. She also asked her to pay for gas and drive her wherever she wanted.

After stating all the rules, the woman threatened to kick her mother out of the house if she displeased her. She said she would drop her mother at a gas station for her brother to pick her up. Moreover, she would only allow her mother to take some of her belongings from her house.

When the woman heard her daughter's terms and conditions, she called her a "monster" and said she was being "inhumane." However, the Redditor believed these conditions were fair because this was how her mother made her live as a teenager. So instead of staying with her daughter, the woman left her house without saying where she went.

How Did People React to This Story?

The Redditor hoped her mother would find a park bench to live on. Meanwhile, other Redditors reacted to her post and shared their opinions in the comments section. The story was also shared on Facebook, where people responded to it.

A user's comment on Bored Panda's Facebook post | Source: Panda

One Facebook user said, "I'm glad an opportunity arose for the OP to allow her mother to have a glimpse of what life was like for her. So telling that the very same treatment she exacted on her child, she called inhumane when applied to herself."

A user's comment on Bored Panda's Facebook post | Source: Panda

A user's comment on Bored Panda's Facebook post | Source: Panda

Meanwhile, another online user believed the woman should have simply told her mother she wouldn't keep her in the house. The user said, "Miserable parents make miserable kids that grow up to be as miserable as you unless you decide to break the pattern."

A user's comment on Bored Panda's Facebook post | Source: Panda

Do you think the daughter treated her mother right? What would you have done if you were in her shoes? We would love to hear your thoughts on this story.

Here is another story about a woman who adopted a baby girl abandoned at her house, unaware that her birth mother would show up a year later.
